Hail Damage and Expert Roof Repair Throughout the twin cities

Storm Restoration For Hail Damage to Your Home & Roof

Hailstorms can cause extensive damage to homes and businesses.  These storms often leave property owners with significant hail damage and in need of expert roof repair and hail damage restoration work. Hail damage often impacts the roof of a building. This roof damage may not be obvious until water damage becomes noticeable inside the property.  When filing an insurance claim for hail damage restoration, understanding the key steps involved in the process is crucial

At CMServs we helping families navigate the entire insurance claims. We assist by conducting property valuations and working closing with the insurance company.  We’ve been rebuilding and restoring property, homes, and roofs for over 40 years.  Our professional services will guide you through each step of the home restoration process.  From Day One of your loss to the final restoration and approval- we are there to handle all stages of the tedious process for our clients. 

We’ve provided a brief overview below of the hail damage restoration process for insurance claims and outlining the necessary actions to take. If you have hail damage to your roof or home, give CMServs a call or fill out an online form and we will respond right away to your request.  Don’t take chances with hail damage or roof damage causing more extensive property damage as time goes by.


  1. Assess Safety and Document the Damage: Prioritize safety and ensure that you and others are out of harm’s way before assessing the damage caused by the hailstorm. Take photographs, videos, and written descriptions to document the extent of the damage. This evidence will be essential when filing your insurance claim.

  2. Contact Your Insurance Company: Notify your insurance company promptly about the hail damage incident. Let them know that you have experienced hail damage and need expert roof repair right away. Provide them with a detailed description of the damage and follow their instructions for the next steps. Prompt notification is vital to initiate the insurance claims process efficiently.

  3. Temporary Repairs and Mitigation: Mitigate further damage by taking immediate action. This may involve making temporary repairs, such as covering broken windows or damaged roofs with tarps, to prevent water intrusion. Prompt mitigation efforts are important to minimize additional loss and may be covered by your insurance policy.

  4. Professional Assessment: At CMServs, our hail damage and expert roof repair & restoration professionals will assess the extent of the hail damage to your roof and property and provide an estimate for the turn key storm restoration process. 

  5. Hail Damage Restoration Plan: We develop a hail damage restoration plan to address all the damage. The plan will outline the necessary steps and timeline for repairing or replacing damaged components, such as roofs, siding, gutters, or windows. We also consider hidden damages that may require attention during the restoration process.

  6. Communication with Insurance Company: Maintain open and regular communication with your insurance company throughout the restoration process. Keep them updated on the progress and provide any additional information they require for the claim. Adhere to any deadlines or requirements specified by your insurance policy.

  7. Document Expenses: We keep meticulous records of all expenses related to the hail damage restoration, including invoices, receipts, and payment confirmations. These documents serve as crucial evidence when filing your insurance claim.

  8. Claim Submission: Compile all the necessary documentation, including the restoration plan, damage assessment, and expense records. We submit the claim to your insurance company following their guidelines and requirements.

  9. Claim Evaluation and Settlement: The insurance company will evaluate your claim based on the submitted documentation and their policy guidelines. They may conduct their own assessment of the hail damage or review the assessments conducted by their adjusters. Upon completion, they will provide a settlement offer based on the coverage and terms of your insurance policy.

  10. Review and Negotiation: Carefully review the insurance settlement offer, comparing it with the documented expenses and estimates. If necessary, negotiate with your insurance company to ensure a fair and satisfactory settlement. Consider seeking professional assistance, such as a public adjuster or an attorney, to navigate the negotiation process effectively.


    Remember, it is vital that homeowners and business owners follow each step carefully during the restoration process to ensure a smooth and successful project. Hail damage restoration and insurance claims involves assessing safety, documenting the damage, prompt mitigation, effective communication with the insurance company, careful contractor and thorough documentation of expenses. 

    By following these steps and working closely with your insurance provider and a professional restoration company, such as CMServs, you can ensure a successful restoration process for your property. Let CMServs help with your restoration needs after a hail storm and the damage it causes to your property. To Learn More about Preparing for Spring and Summer storms take a look at our informative blog.